2023 Winner

Vinçotte B2B customer portal

Kasper Feys — AE

2023 Award Ceremony at the BA & Beyond 23 Autumn Event

Re-watch the ceremony starting at 1:02:00.

2023 Pitches

Re-watch the pitches and check out the initial achievement submissions below.

2023 Shortlist

Accelerating progress using a contextual breakdown

Chris Freimann — Rabobank

A small, geographically disbursed Business Analysis team working across 8 Member Firms consisting of 27 countries - this is how we made it work!

Sabine Rippen — Deloitte NSE

Digital Transformation: Overcoming legacy system challenges: halving operational processing time

Mellius Brouwer — Zicht Adviseurs

Act resilient and produce together with a holistic BA view

Özgür Barış Hazır — Ziraat Teknoloji

Vinçotte B2B customer portal

Kasper Feys — AE